The Zodiac of twelve animal signs is the superficial part of Chinese Astrology. Authentic Chinese Astrology either uses the "Four Pillars" or the "Zi Wei Star Chart" to describe the probable path of a person's life. Chinese astrologers believe that a person's life is not pre-determined. A person has a certain degree of freedom to choose his path of life within a probable frame. This probable frame can be constructed by mathematical formulas. In this way, we can see that Chinese Astrology is far from being supersition.
In mathematics we begin with some undefined terms and axioms. These terms and axioms are well known facts that are accepted without being proved. Other terms are then defined in terms of undefined terms. Hypotheses are postulated and then proved using the axioms. These are called theorems. Mathematics has undefined terms and axioms as roots upon which the stem, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are grown. Do we have a similar structure in Chinese Astrology? Let us see.
We begin with "luck" as an undefined term. We all know what luck is, but we shall
not attempt to define what it is. We all have the experience that sometimes we have
bad luck and sometimes not. We also agree that some people are luckier than others.
All this points to the
Axiom of Existence :
There exists something called luck.
The axiom of existence is the foundation of Chinese Astrology. No one can prove that luck exists but daily lives experience tells us that it does. It is just like the existence of gravity. Everyone knows tha when an apple is detached from the apple tree it falls onto the ground. In addition to the existence, Sir Isaac Newton formulated the quantitative part of the Law of Gravity. Further to the existence we also formulate the distribution of luck in a man's life.
We need not explain what good and bad luck is. It would be a good idea to quantify "luck" in the following manner. Let 0 represent a neutral situation when luck is described neither as good nor bad. Let a positive number represent good luck while a negative number bad luck. Luck is considered better when the number is larger and positive.
On one's path of life, luck is a function of time whose graph is like one of the following:
The vital question is, "Is luck random or determinable?"
The same question is, "Are there laws governing the Universe?"
If luck is random and not determinable, it will be a waste of time studying all kinds of life reading. The same is true for the Universe. If there were no Laws of Nature, there would not be the study of Physics. The Universe, though chaotic especially in the beginning when the big bang occurred, is believed to obey physical laws. In the same way, we have to believe that luck obeys certain laws of distribution. The accuracy of life reading by Chinese Astrology is sufficient evidence for luck to be determinable. Thus we establish the
Axiom of Conformity :
The distribution of luck conforms to Laws of Super Nature.
Next we assume that these laws can be formulated by a function of time:
Luck = F(t) satisfying
F(t + t0) = F(t) + F(t0)where
t0 is the time of birth of a person, t is the present age.
Then F(t0)is the luck determined by the time of birth,
F(t + t0)is the present luck.
If F(t0)is a large positive number, then the person is born lucky. Even if he is sometimes unfortunate when F(t) becomes a negative number, as long as the sum F(t) + F(t0)remains positive, the situation is not too bad. On the other hand, if F(t0)is a numerically large negative number, the person is born to be unlucky. Even if F(t)is positive, life will not be easy for him.
Using numbers to describe the ups and downs of a person is over simplifying the complexity of life. What the above has shown is nothing but the scientific nature of life reading. What I want to emphasize is that Chinese Astrology is actually mathematically sound and rigorous. If we want to analyze the life of a person, we have to give it a complete description. We would like to know his trend of wealth and health, relationship and happiness, career and social status, etc. If we use F1, F2, F3, ... to denote different luck functions, and instead of assigning numbers to the functional values at different times of life we give a fuller description of each functional value with reference to happenings in life, the result is what we call life reading.
In Chinese Astrology we locate "stars" in twelve "palaces". The stars we employ are not the actual celestial bodies in the Universe. They are merely mathematical symbols bearing different properties. The palaces are in fact various considerations in the course of life. Mathematical formulas are established to calculate the star chart of a person from his birth date and time. The original chart gives the various functional values F1(0), F2(0), F3(0), ... , F12(0). As time goes by, different functional values F1(t), F2(t), F3(t), ... , F12(t) are evaluated. It will be too ambitious to try to explain the mechanism of Chinese Astrology in a few words. Therefore I am not going to disclose the formulas involved.
The Twelve Palaces |
Palace | Description |
LIFE | The stars in this house determine one's character and achievement. |
PARENTS | It tells one's relationship with his parents and superiors. |
HAPPINESS | It describes one's mental state of happiness. |
PROPERTIES | It tells of one's major investments. |
CAREER | It tells the kind of career that suits a person and the kind of achievement expected. |
FRIENDS | It describes the kind of friends and hired help one can expect. |
TRAVEL | It tells whether one is lucky leaving his home-town. It is also the house of public relations. |
HEALTH | It describes one's health condition in general. |
WEALTH | It describes one's financial situation in general. |
CHILDREN | It reveals one's relations with his children. |
MARRIAGE | It describes one's relationship or marriage life |
BROTHER | It tells how well one gets along with his brothers, sisters and colleagues. |
The 14 Major Stars |
1) Emperor Star | 2) Star of Mercy | 3) Sun | 4) Finance Star | 5) Lucky Star |
6) Wicked Star | 7) Treasury Star | 8) Moon | 9) Flirting Star | 10) Gloomy Star |
11) Minister Star | 12) Blessing Star | 13) Power Star | 14) Ruinous Star |
The Other Stars |
Fortunate Stars | Harmful Stars | Auxiliary Stars |
Angel 1 | Worrisome Star | Abundance Star |
Angel 2 | Troublesome Star | Pegasus |
Deputy 1 | Fiery Star | Stern Star |
Deputy 2 | Siren Star | Romance Star |
Intellect Star | Misfortune Star | Wedding Star |
Intelligence Star | Calamity Star | Birth Star |
** Besides, some stars can transform to acquire additional properties, namely Prosperity, Authority, Fame and Annoyance.
As an example, click to see the star chart of the late
President Richard Nixon of the United States of America.
Another example is
The Fate of Hong Kong.
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Princess Diana - A Meteor that Lives In The Hearts...
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