Procedure ¡V Casting the coins, drawing the hexagram, assigning Stems and branches
to the yaos, assigning the Subject and Object Lines, recording the month and day stems
and branches, noting the void branches of the day
Case Studies
Advanced Technique
Useful Spirit (Yong Shen)
Original Spirit (Yuan Shen)
Annoying Spirit (Ji Shen)
Hostile Spirit (Chou Shen)
Progressing Spirit (Jun Shen)
Retreating Spirit (Tui Shen)
Flying Spirit (Fei Shen)
Crouching Spirit (Fu Shen)
Interaction of yaos ¡V combinations and clashes, generating and controlling, penalties
The importance of the Month Branch
Month Break
The importance of the Day Branch
How to handle Void Branches
Fan Yin (Opposite Moaning) and Fu Yin (Unchanging Moaning)