101 Courses
101 Courses

By Joseph Yu
Copyright 1997

Lesson 19
Aquariums and Plants

Aquariums are widely used as a Feng Shui item. Usually a Feng Shui master would recommend to put 6 gold fish and 1 black fish in the aquarium. He may explain that the gold fish is to bring wealth to the family or business while the black fish is to absorb the sha chi. The black fish is more vulnerable to the attack of sha chi and will therefore more easily die. The dead fish must be removed and replaced by another black fish. This is simply not true.

The reason why we use aquariums in Feng Shui is because we want to use water in certain areas of a house. The fish there is to make the water move and have "life". Water is used to retain sheng chi. It is irresponsible teaching to say that the black fish is to absorb sha chi. When a fish dies, it does not die for its master. A dead fish, of course, has to be replaced. The reason why we use 6 gold fish and one black fish is because

(1) 1 and 6 together represent water in the River Chart,
(2) Gold is metallic color and metal enhances water,
(3) Black is the color of water,
(4) 7 is the most auspicious star in the current period.

It is the water that brings wealth if appropriately placed and not the gold fish. It is the water that softens the sha chi and not the black fish.

Living plants are also frequently used in Feng Shui. It is said that plants with large leaves will bring wealth while plants with thorns will repel sha chi. This is also not true.

The use of plants is two fold. When we use potted plants we are using the elements Earth and Wood. If the plant is sturdy, we are using more wood than earth. If the plant is slender, we are using more earth than wood. We are also using a large potted plant to represent a "mountain". This has more to do with health than wealth. A healthy plant represents "life" and it can also manufacture oxygen under the sun. If a water plant is used, we are using the elements Wood and Water. This is to enhance academic success and romance. Fresh flowers in a beautiful vase have the same effect.

[Feng Shui 101]

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