101 Courses
101 Courses

By Joseph Yu
Copyright 1997

Lesson 12
Three Sha

We divide 360 degrees into 12 equal parts and assign the 12 animal signs accordingly as in the table:

In the year of the Tiger, the three sha are in the Pig, Rat and Ox directions or 315 - 45 degrees. For simplicity we say that the three sha are in the North.

In the year of the Horse and the year of the Dog, the three sha are in the same direction as in the year of the Tiger.

The direction of the three sha in different years can be tabulated as follows.

Again the directions of the three sha should not be disturbed. If the three sha are disturbed, the people in the house will suffer from sickness and injury.

Some Feng Shui practitioners are of the opinion that if the Tai Sui or Three Sha are at the main door, they are disturbed. The cure is to place a pair of metallic animal (called Kiren) inside or outside the door.

I will not consider opening and closing the door as a disturbance, but in the seventh period the use of metal is quite safe and it is beneficial most of the time.

[Feng Shui 101]

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