101 Courses
101 Courses

By Joseph Yu
Copyright 1997

Lesson 5
Facing of Apartment Building

For high rise apartment units we have to consider

(1) the facing of the entire building and

(2) the facing of the unit.

For the facing of the building we consider the following :

(1) The road leading to the building.

(2) The main door of the building.

(3) The design of the entire building.

Usually all the three agree to give you the facing without doubt. Sometimes they may not. You have to choose the facing supported by sound reasoning.

The facing will determine the type of chi entering the entire building through the main entrance. For the individual units we still have to consider their respective facings that are more important than the facing of the building as a whole. We will talk about that in the next lesson.

[Feng Shui 101]

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